Tuesday, February 26, 2013

East Malling Community Supported Market Garden - Commingrow

We now have a new lease for the 1/3rd acre Communigrow garden at Ditton, Kent, within the East Malling Research Centre and Trust. They are wonderfully supportive with a desire for us to progress from the community allotments of the last two years to a full market garden and so we have the option for the entire 9 acres over time.

This project has its roots in Betsy's 'Joining Hands' group of community enterprises based in Ashford. With her hard work and net-work she has raised the support of the Trust, secured this area for community use and worked it with huge success since the spring of 2011. Though the growing may be quite individual from her main craft projects part of our aim is to bring them all together with the new skills centre on and off site around Ditton, East Malling, and Maidstone.

Additionally we now have the prospect of new volumes of produce to grow at the site and a very varied range of crops from potatoes to lavender. Unlike most community orientated food producing projects we aim to grow staple vegetables as an essential part of our scope of produce for distribution to our members rather than simply concentrate on higher value salads grown under plastic for putting into boxes of vegetables which are mostly brought-in from farms further afield.  To minimise brought-in produce with seasonal production that may be more appropriate to our aims as all our surplus vegetables will then go to Food Access projects. These run in certain inner London Boroughs by co-operative enterprises specifically working to improve the diet and health of families who may not otherwise consider fresh fruit and veg as a priority to their budget.

All our members will be invited to our 'Skills days', short courses and further information  and events on food growing, food education, sustainability, art and crafts and socials. These will be on site at Ditton and in local venues around East Malling, Maidstone and throughout Kent. We would also aim to involve a wider community from Inner London Boroughs.

For further information the East Malling Community Supported Market Garden, membership and support contact Laurence 

and join us at Facebook  http://www.facebook.com/LondonCSA 

and http://www.facebook.com/groups/Communigrow/

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) for market gardening at Park Farm

Brief description:

There is one line that sums up the idea, "We are never going to be able to afford local, sustainably raised food without doing it for ourselves"

Inspired by the ever increasing interest in good local food with a desire to exhibit best community engagement it is essential to promote shared knowledge, experiences and resources to be viable. We aim big by networking skills and resources and work small to each locality between ‘Patchwork’ sites.

Networking sets out to maximise returns for a site in isolation. Returns being assessed and valued on social inclusion through engagement, sustainable use of our limited resources, conservation and exchange value for all our labour and production. This network may provide what an individual site needs as and when it may be needed.

Establishing new Community Supported Agriculture projects (CSA) is vital to the longer term viability of each site. We aim to produce quality vegetables, fruit, nursery plants and grafted trees using sustainable methods only along with unusual and hard to source ethnic foods for the communities involved as well as staples.

Building on the experience of Joining Hands to continue and expand the community function off site beyond food with Art and crafts. Off site facilities which include basket making, spinning, weaving and a host of food associated crafts, jams, chutney etc with further expanded growing for arts and crafts, including dried flowers, herbs and oils. Sustainability and Conservation is crucial to all.

Membership open to the local community and from further afield with a rolling programme of workdays to enable individuals and groups to become involved in as many aspects of growing as possible. Surplus would be sold direct to the broader community and wholesale in partnership through established food access initiatives in Hackney, Greenwich and Newham. They would take all surplus vegetables we could produce and pay a fair price.

Currently we cultivate the acre site at East Malling, Kent with the aim to bring a further 2 acres up to market garden standard this season. Further sites in Kent and London may be added where possible, with over 40 acres of disused land and many more of underused parks and gardens in one London borough alone. The scope may be simply enormous.

Communigrow started in 2011 with the support of a well renowned research centre in Kent. A social enterprise working to create a community growing project for the benefit of young people and families interested in growing their own produce affordably and sustainably. We are always looking to improve our services and the work we do and so find the natural progression to a viable Community Supported Agriculture project essential to the demands of a large market garden of over one hectare with added diversity of craft and associated produce. We work with schools and community groups to enable individuals of any age or background to participate in unique and innovative, land-based, experiences.

The community is very much part of the ‘Joining Hands’ team. After membership and initial introduction at a team meeting an induction  allows all of our volunteers to develop with our organisation and learn by being part of the on-going projects on offer. There are free courses and training opportunities for all of our volunteers, as well as staff, ranging from health and safety training to CV writing and Health and Social Care Certificates and diplomas. By joining you are sharing your talents and abilities as well as learning from experienced professionals and enhancing your future career opportunities.

Community involvement may be summed up as follows:
  • membership to new CSA
  • Subscription to CSA functions
  • on and off site outreach for all produce, facilities and training
  • vegetables and produce grown at discounted rates
  • basic skills days on site with outreach events and talks in the locality
  • Training to Certificate and diploma level
  • further arts and craft produce from site
  • Community shares offer
  • further development and links with a network of farms run on similar lines throughout London and Kent

London Community Supported Agriculture (London CSA) campaigns to create viable market gardens in and around London 

"We are never going to be able to afford local, sustainably raised food without doing it for ourselves"

Having Identified 40 acres of underused or totally disused land in Greenwich alone, with many more potentially available or for shared use in the borough and beyond the scope is simply enormous. We aim to create new community growing enterprises owned and run by their members.
Help and advice needed - to join a team of growers and community developers


Go to our blog at http://londoncsa.blogspot.co.uk/

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