Monday, May 26, 2014

how to inspire people..... This event is completely FREE - 'pop-up business school' who have a 10 day session in Swanley

Having an interest in how to inspire people (the work goes on and on) I've been suggested to go along to the pop-up business school who have a 10 day session in Swanley - free to all.

Listen to this video if you may need more info.

Note: it is actually funded by the Kent Housing Group Innovation Fund, West Kent Housing Association, MOAT and Sevenoaks District Council’s Community Grants Scheme and not West Kent Housing alone.

5 reasons why you should come along to the Pop Up Business School with West Kent Housing

The video on the left shows Mark Gittos from The Pop Up Business School talking about why you should come along in March.  We think there are 5 main reasons:

  1. West Kent Housing is changing and with that change comes massive opportunity for local residents
  2. We have helped people just like you to start or grow businesses and make money
  3. 100% of people who came to the previous Pop-Up Business Schools are more confident, happier and have better business skills
  4. We will help you make money doing what you love, we will help you uncover your passion and start a business that you love to work in
  5. It's being funded by West Kent Housing  for you, so you don't have to pay a penny to come along.  What have you got to lose?


Starting businesses, making money and having fun, we are coming to Swanley in partnership with West Kent Housing Association (West Kent).

We will be Popping Up for 10 days in Swanley from the 31st May through to the 9th June 2014 partnering West Kent; The Swanley Youth & Community Centre. Helping to inspire people to start businesses, make money and to grow the businesses they already run. The event is completely free and will give you everything you need to start a business and much more.
Register now to start building your business


The economy is tough, jobs are harder to find, and unemployment is high. We know things are tough and we want to give you the latest tools, techniques and ways of starting a business and making money, doing what you love. We want to help you be successful and have fun at the same time


This 10 day Pop Up Business School will give you all the latest techniques to help you start businesses, grow your existing business or help you find opportunities within the company you work for already. We will give you all the tools you need to get going and then help you build and test your ideas right here with us!


We will be Popping Up for 10 days in Swanley from the 31st May through to the 9th June 2014 partnering West Kent; The Swanley Youth & Community Centre.

Youth & Community Centre, St Mary's Rd, Swanley BR8 7BU


We will be Popping Up for 10 days in Swanley from the 31st May through to the 9th June 2014 in partnership with West Kent. For further details contact Pauline Smith: or 01732 749 420

Cost - FREE

This event is completely FREE. All you have to do is come along hungry to start your own business, make money or build your confidence

Friday, May 23, 2014

alculates other environmental impacts to show how they may be affected by any changes in the carbon footprint


Welcome to the CCaLC web site. Here you can find information about the CCaLC family of tools. You can also download the tools free of charge. Click here for a CCaLC overview and user testimonials.

  • Carbon footprinting
    The CCaLC tool calculates carbon footprints from 'cradle to grave'. It enables identification of carbon 'hot spots' and carbon reduction opportunities.
  • Water footprinting
    In addition to carbon footprints, CCaLC also incorporates water footprint calculations to take into account water scarcity in different countries.
  • Other environmental impacts
    CCaLC also calculates other environmental impacts to show how they may be affected by any changes in the carbon footprint. These include acidification, eutrophication, ozone layer depletion, photochemical (summer) smog and human toxicity.
  • Economic impacts
    CCaLC enables estimation of economic value added, to show the trade-offs between 'carbon added' and 'value added'. The cost of reducing carbon footprints can also be estimated.
  • Optimisation of carbon footprints
    CCaLC Optimiser enables identification of optimum low-carbon options at minimum costs.
  • Databases
    Over 6000 data items are available in CCaLC, including data for materials, energy, transportation, packaging and waste. The data can be sourced from either the CCaLC or Ecoinvent databases.
    CCaLC database: This database contains over 2000 data from open literature.
    Ecoinvent database: This database contains over 4000 data items from the commercial provider Ecoinvent.
    In the past decade, Ecoinvent has established itself as a global leader in creating a comprehensive and transparent life cycle inventory database. Its database helps companies to produce environmentally more sustainable products, guides policy makers in implementing new policies and informs consumers on how to adopt environmentally more sustainable behaviour.
  • Case studies
    Over 50 case studies are included within CCaLC, each of which can be modified to suit the specific needs of the user. The case studies span the biofeedstock, biofuel, chemical, food & drinks and packaging sectors.

Research Digest - permaculture-related research

The Permaculture Research Digest provides summaries of newly published permaculture-related research. All items are
hyper-linked to the original publication.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The field for exploration - and mobile sustainability centre for Ditton

good to finally be working on the plans for the whole field of over 5 acres. Moving on from the plot of 2 will transform the project from the Joining Hands allotment style community gardening to a proper farm CSA with over 4 acres under cultivation and still leave room for conservation and habitat creation, hens and perhaps the mobile sustainability centre - a converted horse box with solar and wind power and educational demonstrations of sustainability to take around the streets of Ditton and Larkfield, maybe Maidstone beyond. It can go anywhere spreading the word about CSA as it goes.

I do sometimes take 'free range to the extreme!

One of the best local iniatives - Hadlow Carbon Community

So good to visit as part of the Green Open Homes weekend.

Hadlow is a rural village in West Kent in the South-East of England and the parish includes the hamlet of Golden Green, a mile to the south.  In 2007 Hadlow was chosen by our local county council (KCC) to become one of four Low Carbon Communities in Kent.
We are a group of local people working together to raise awareness of Climate Change and the necessity for sustainable use of finite resources, working towards community-based solutions.
What we have been up to
Set up Hadlow Green Growers group and are growing fruit and vegetables on our community allotment on land made available to us by the local land-based Hadlow College. Follow this link for more info and updates on the group.
Raising awareness:
Attended various village events informing people about energy saving, Grow your Own, Eco crafts, etc
Environmental Art:
Finite? Art exhibition at Hadlow College and Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope Gallery, with community participation such as a sock weave and a RiverKnit, organised by local artist and member of HadLOW CARBON Community Julie Taylor.
We are organising a talk on Upgrading Listed Buildings in November.
We have been granted planning permission to install four bicycle stand planters in two locations in the centre of the village, and two of them will soon be installed near the public toilets, the other two to follow outside the chemist’s shop

Rural Regeneration Centre at Hadlow College, 


Thursday, May 8, 2014

expression of interest flyer - feel free to complete and send in to us

expression of interest flyer - feel free to complete and send in to us. Don't forget to leave your name and postcode please. offer of a box of veg for each response only applies to local residents of the immediate area.

Thanks in advance