This message has been posted on behalf of Liz Simpson: -
Hi everyone
As most of you will know I am Chair of Trustees at the St James Centre in East Malling. We are a Charity and provide a community hub where we run a variety of different activities for the people of all ages. We also have a cafe which provides good value healthy food daily as well as running classes on healthy eating for parents and children during the school holidays and opportunities for volunteers to learn skills to support them into work. There are keep fit classes, yoga, craft and chat, street games (for youngsters), discos for primary age children, Young Parents Groups, Brownies and a woodland play area and allotments. We also provide classroom space for children from two local secondary schools who cannot cope in mainstream schooling so that they can take their GCSEs. We are also the regional centre for Sport Relief and tomorrow morning (Friday) are holding a Macmillan Coffee morning (9 - 12 - all welcome). A children's nursery is also due to open soon.
Our only income currently is from renting out the hall and other spaces and fund raising. Our latest venture are a series of music events where, as well as some really interesting and enjoyable live music, we will be serving some delicious food.

It would be fantastic to get some support from fellow Rotarians for these events. Please have a look at the attached flyer and let me know if you would like tickets.
The Saint James Centre has full event and conference facilities, from live music through to a conference for up to 100 people we have the space, great staff team, friendly atmosphere and full catering facilities.
Some events we put on ourselves (see here for details) you can also book the centre for your event or party at great rates.
Events at the centre include:
Children's birthday parties (we have a large safe hall, tables and chairs for 100 people, toilet and changing facilitates, full catering facilities and cafe, our own professional children's entertainers, PA and music if required)
Family events (such as wedding anniversaries, birthday parties etc...)
Bands and music events (we have full PA facilties, stage area with lighting and seating (if required for up to 100 people)
Charity fundraising events
Conference events for your organisation (we have full catering facilities, stage area with lighting, projector and screen, Quality PA system, seating for 100 people)
Clubs and activities, these include keep fit, weight management, art club, photography club, music and arts courses, youth clubs, yoga, cooking, healthy eating and much more...
Jumble sales, boot fairs and community events
Contact us if you would like to hold your event at The Saint James Centre.
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