Thursday, August 20, 2015

help plan a low carbon event for this autumn? I was thinking of something as a roadshow around the area on different dates using our barrow of veg

would anyone like to help plan a low carbon event for this autumn? I was thinking of something as a roadshow around the area on different dates using our barrow of veg as the theme for attention and our mass of pumpkin as food and recipes etc etc.
message if you may be interested.
sustainable living, community, etc
We are encouraging local, social enterprise
via our charity at Bradbourne Lane
which is a Kent Shed Project for Wellbeing.
We grow organic or better vegetables and craft
Lots of scope for Reducing carbon,
We are currently needing a part time grower for our field, voluntary and also welcome any educators who may like to hep us develop our free sessions for schools and group.
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