How local action can change the world
Something is stirring. People around the world are deciding that the well-being of their local community and its economy lies with them. They’re people like you. They’ve had enough, and, rather than waiting for permission, they’re rolling up their sleeves, getting together with friends and neighbours, and doing something about it. Whether they start small or big, they’re finding that just doing stuff can transform their neighbourhoods and their lives.
The Power of Just Doing Stuff argues that this shift represents the seeds of a new economy – the answer to our desperate search for a new way forward – and at its heart is people deciding that change starts with them. Communities worldwide are already modelling a more local economy rooted in place, in well-being, in entrepreneurship and in creativity. And it works.
ISBN 978 0 85784 117 9 A5 160 pp
Chapter 1 Why we need to do something
Chapter 2 Opening the door to new possibilities
Chapter 3 The power of just getting on with it
Chapter 4 Daring to dream: where we could end up
About Rob Hopkins
Rob Hopkins is the co-founder of Transition Town Totnes and of Transition Network. He publishes the blog and tweets as robintransition. In February 2012 Rob and the Transition Network were among NESTA and The Observer’s list of Britain’s 50 New Radicals, and in 2012 won the European Economic and Social Committee Civil Society Prize. A list of promotional talks will follow shortly.
Praise for The Power of Just Doing Stuff
“Rob Hopkins has done more to change the way that we live in the past 10 years than any one else in Britain. because he has given people the tools create change for themselves. It is beautifully simple and incredibly powerful.”
Monty Don, gardener, writer and broadcaster
“Our existing industrial food system is broken and increasingly dysfunctional. Rob Hopkins connects us with hundreds of small local initiatives that collectively give us an inspiring blueprint for a genuinely sustainable, resilient food future”.
Joanna Blythman, author of Shopped and What to Eat.
“If despair is your default position these days, try a few pages of The Power of Just Doing Stuff. Taking that first small step toward the better world you want is powerful – and empowering. And Rob Hopkins is an energising guide to the way out of our modern Slough of Despond”.
Sheila Dillon, Presenter of BBC Radio 4′s The Food Programme
“Once upon a time it was tempting to mock the idea of a ‘Transition town’ or even transition itself. Rob Hopkins is a truly original thinker who has not only given that concept meaning but has put it into practice in a way that now influences individuals and communities in many parts of the world. The essential proposition is not only that we have to adapt our way of life to meet the enormous environmental challenges that we face but that it is quite possible – and no less practically to the point – a stimulating and enjoyable process as well. If ever there was an idea whose time has come, this is it. Rob Hopkins’ book is a truly unique piece of work that anyone who cares about our future in this densely populated and threatened world should read. It offers original thought and clear analysis. It also combines realism and hope”.
Jonathan Dimbleby, writer and broadcaster.
“Rob’s book is a manual of practical wisdom; it is hopeful and realistic, it shows what can be achieved, it encourages us to think beyond the self, beyond the rules. There is a wealth of thriving examples in this book that show how quickly positive change can happen, how social enterprise does actually make a very sound investment, how sharing skills and time enriches a community. I believe that in the future Rob Hopkins will be seen as influential as EF Schumacher, the original Permaconomist. The Power of Just Doing Stuff will sit alongside my copy of Small is Beautiful and in time, will be just as well-thumbed”.
Penney Poyzer, author, broadcaster and winner of the DECC Retrofit Pioneer Award 2012
“There is good reason to believe that the old order is coming to an end. A new normal is emerging, and if societies are to thrive then we will need to do things differently. While the transition must be assisted with technology and policy, this book describes the awesome power of just doing stuff. Rob Hopkins reminds us how actions speak louder than words, and he does it with practical examples and the passion of someone who has successfully practiced what he writes about”.
Tony Juniper, author ‘What has Nature ever done for us?’
“We can talk for ever, but actually learning to live well within planetary boundaries is about doing things differently here and now. Rob Hopkins is a master at doing stuff. He makes the necessary look desirable and possible. Hopkins has understood that paths are made by walking and that what matters is taking steps. Dealing with global challenges will need important rules set at high levels, but we will only survive and thrive if we become enchanted by positive change locally, where we experience the world. This book is that spell to help rapid transition happen.”
Andrew Simms, nef Fellow & author of Cancel the Apocalypse
“People really want to make a difference, and Transition proves that if we work together we can achieve so much. The movement has been behind several impressive community energy projects, proving that renewable energy is accessible to all. By sharing these success stories, this book will inspire more people to ‘just do stuff’ and make more clean, green, locally sourced energy for the benefit of all.”
Juliet Davenport, OBE, CEO and founder Good Energy
“The idea that local food can be better for communities, for local economies, for our wellbeing and for the planet is now widely accepted. The Power of Just Doing Stuff captures the potential of applying that thinking beyond food, to how we think about energy generation, development, investment, job creation and to the shift to an economy appropriate to the 21st century. There’s a buzz around this book, and its message, that gives great grounds for optimism on topics that are often rather doom-laden. Its true power lies in the fact that it’s many smart ideas are already underway”.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
“In 10 years time society will have changed beyond recognition, and this book will have contributed to making that change positive and wonderful. We are seeing new forms of power emerging in many local communities – where action and creativity are forming a new part of of the culture of everyday life. When you see people shape the future so positively and responsibly you can’t fail to be inspired to action yourself. Rob Hopkins continues in this new book to build a compelling narrative for collective involvement to build social, economic and environmental resilience.”
Tessy Britton, Social Spaces and Community Lover’s Guide to the Universe
“I see [Transition] as a wonderful combination of civic local engagement and a worldwide network. In many towns throughout the world people get together, finding community, enthusiastic about the idea of together envisioning a future model for their town that will make it worth living in. There is something out there ladies and gentlemen, I’m deeply convinced, that was set in motion already quite some time ago…”
Horst Köhler, former German president and former president of the IMF
“In the leaking ship that we’ve made of our planet, the Transition movement is like a flotilla of life rafts. And they’ve come not to pull us off the earth, but to help us patch it and make it right. There’s no one on earth who’s just done more stuff–and inspired more doing – than Rob Hopkins. This book shows how you can Do Stuff Too!”
Bill McKibben,
Something is stirring. People around the world are deciding that the well-being of their local community and its economy lies with them. They’re people like you. They’ve had enough, and, rather than waiting for permission, they’re rolling up their sleeves, getting together with friends and neighbours, and doing something about it. Whether they start small or big, they’re finding that just doing stuff can transform their neighbourhoods and their lives.
The Power of Just Doing Stuff argues that this shift represents the seeds of a new economy – the answer to our desperate search for a new way forward – and at its heart is people deciding that change starts with them. Communities worldwide are already modelling a more local economy rooted in place, in well-being, in entrepreneurship and in creativity. And it works.
ISBN 978 0 85784 117 9 A5 160 pp
Chapter 1 Why we need to do something
Chapter 2 Opening the door to new possibilities
Chapter 3 The power of just getting on with it
Chapter 4 Daring to dream: where we could end up
About Rob Hopkins
Rob Hopkins is the co-founder of Transition Town Totnes and of Transition Network. He publishes the blog and tweets as robintransition. In February 2012 Rob and the Transition Network were among NESTA and The Observer’s list of Britain’s 50 New Radicals, and in 2012 won the European Economic and Social Committee Civil Society Prize. A list of promotional talks will follow shortly.
Praise for The Power of Just Doing Stuff
“Rob Hopkins has done more to change the way that we live in the past 10 years than any one else in Britain. because he has given people the tools create change for themselves. It is beautifully simple and incredibly powerful.”
Monty Don, gardener, writer and broadcaster
“Our existing industrial food system is broken and increasingly dysfunctional. Rob Hopkins connects us with hundreds of small local initiatives that collectively give us an inspiring blueprint for a genuinely sustainable, resilient food future”.
Joanna Blythman, author of Shopped and What to Eat.
“If despair is your default position these days, try a few pages of The Power of Just Doing Stuff. Taking that first small step toward the better world you want is powerful – and empowering. And Rob Hopkins is an energising guide to the way out of our modern Slough of Despond”.
Sheila Dillon, Presenter of BBC Radio 4′s The Food Programme
“Once upon a time it was tempting to mock the idea of a ‘Transition town’ or even transition itself. Rob Hopkins is a truly original thinker who has not only given that concept meaning but has put it into practice in a way that now influences individuals and communities in many parts of the world. The essential proposition is not only that we have to adapt our way of life to meet the enormous environmental challenges that we face but that it is quite possible – and no less practically to the point – a stimulating and enjoyable process as well. If ever there was an idea whose time has come, this is it. Rob Hopkins’ book is a truly unique piece of work that anyone who cares about our future in this densely populated and threatened world should read. It offers original thought and clear analysis. It also combines realism and hope”.
Jonathan Dimbleby, writer and broadcaster.
“Rob’s book is a manual of practical wisdom; it is hopeful and realistic, it shows what can be achieved, it encourages us to think beyond the self, beyond the rules. There is a wealth of thriving examples in this book that show how quickly positive change can happen, how social enterprise does actually make a very sound investment, how sharing skills and time enriches a community. I believe that in the future Rob Hopkins will be seen as influential as EF Schumacher, the original Permaconomist. The Power of Just Doing Stuff will sit alongside my copy of Small is Beautiful and in time, will be just as well-thumbed”.
Penney Poyzer, author, broadcaster and winner of the DECC Retrofit Pioneer Award 2012
“There is good reason to believe that the old order is coming to an end. A new normal is emerging, and if societies are to thrive then we will need to do things differently. While the transition must be assisted with technology and policy, this book describes the awesome power of just doing stuff. Rob Hopkins reminds us how actions speak louder than words, and he does it with practical examples and the passion of someone who has successfully practiced what he writes about”.
Tony Juniper, author ‘What has Nature ever done for us?’
“We can talk for ever, but actually learning to live well within planetary boundaries is about doing things differently here and now. Rob Hopkins is a master at doing stuff. He makes the necessary look desirable and possible. Hopkins has understood that paths are made by walking and that what matters is taking steps. Dealing with global challenges will need important rules set at high levels, but we will only survive and thrive if we become enchanted by positive change locally, where we experience the world. This book is that spell to help rapid transition happen.”
Andrew Simms, nef Fellow & author of Cancel the Apocalypse
“People really want to make a difference, and Transition proves that if we work together we can achieve so much. The movement has been behind several impressive community energy projects, proving that renewable energy is accessible to all. By sharing these success stories, this book will inspire more people to ‘just do stuff’ and make more clean, green, locally sourced energy for the benefit of all.”
Juliet Davenport, OBE, CEO and founder Good Energy
“The idea that local food can be better for communities, for local economies, for our wellbeing and for the planet is now widely accepted. The Power of Just Doing Stuff captures the potential of applying that thinking beyond food, to how we think about energy generation, development, investment, job creation and to the shift to an economy appropriate to the 21st century. There’s a buzz around this book, and its message, that gives great grounds for optimism on topics that are often rather doom-laden. Its true power lies in the fact that it’s many smart ideas are already underway”.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
“In 10 years time society will have changed beyond recognition, and this book will have contributed to making that change positive and wonderful. We are seeing new forms of power emerging in many local communities – where action and creativity are forming a new part of of the culture of everyday life. When you see people shape the future so positively and responsibly you can’t fail to be inspired to action yourself. Rob Hopkins continues in this new book to build a compelling narrative for collective involvement to build social, economic and environmental resilience.”
Tessy Britton, Social Spaces and Community Lover’s Guide to the Universe
“I see [Transition] as a wonderful combination of civic local engagement and a worldwide network. In many towns throughout the world people get together, finding community, enthusiastic about the idea of together envisioning a future model for their town that will make it worth living in. There is something out there ladies and gentlemen, I’m deeply convinced, that was set in motion already quite some time ago…”
Horst Köhler, former German president and former president of the IMF
“In the leaking ship that we’ve made of our planet, the Transition movement is like a flotilla of life rafts. And they’ve come not to pull us off the earth, but to help us patch it and make it right. There’s no one on earth who’s just done more stuff–and inspired more doing – than Rob Hopkins. This book shows how you can Do Stuff Too!”
Bill McKibben,
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