Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Beacon Lane Starter Farm, Bristol. Working on a land revolution. Protecting high grade agricultural land, so that it can be used ..... for local urban populations.

Working on a land revolution

The aim is to acquire up to 80 acres of prime growing land on the outskirts of Bristol (near the Winterbourne Medieval Barns) and turn it into an agriversity - producing sustainable local food and the next generation of sustainable growers too. 

 Beacon Farms: Working on a land revolution

Beacon Lane Starter Farm

The aims of the newly constituted Beacon Farms Limited include:
1. Protecting high grade agricultural land, so that it can be used now, and in the future, for the production of horticultural crops for local urban populations.
2. Making land available for new growers and groups wishing to develop small-scale commercial enterprises to produce food for the local area using organic and sustainable methods and to sell into local markets
3. Providing training, and access to accredited qualifications where appropriate, in sustainable production methods and growing techniques, appropriate technology, and all aspects of running a sustainable horticultural business.
4. Ensuring that habitat conservation is undertaken.
5. Working with the local community and customers to ensure that the enterprise is supporting their local food needs and providing opportunities for them to engage with the land.

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