Dear Laurence
We are really pleased to be able to update you with news from community supported agriculture across the UK. Here's what we've been up to:
Also their blog is at:
CSA Network UK Blog Post - Who Are We?
So what does ‘community supported agriculture’ mean to the average person on the street? For those of us involved in CSA and the network we use the term all the time, but how much is it understood by the wider public?
We hear that for CSA projects it can be really difficult to get the message across, which makes it hard to raise the profile of what we are all doing and get new members. But what we are doing really is ground-breaking and very exciting and we need to make sure we can talk about it in a way that connects with as many people as possible!
We are working on our new website now and so need to come up with a logo and identity for the network that will help us communicate the amazing benefits of CSA.
As a new board member I recently spent six hours in a room carrying out an in depth brain storming session with Robert Simpson (also on the board), Rachel Harries our co-ordinator and Gillian Brooks, our social media star. It certainly was a very interesting exercise which led us to really analyse many aspects of community supported agriculture in the UK and think about how the network can support CSA initiatives now and into the future.
We carried out a number of tasks which included thinking of the network as a person and coming up with a list of attributes that this person would possess. A very useful aspect of this process was to consider in detail who are the members of CSA projects and the broader audience of CSA and the network. The new website and logo will help to provide a familiar identity for the network that can be used to promote the CSA movement.
We very much hope that members of the network will fully engage with us and each other to promote the CSA movement in the UK.
A CSA Network UK session has been organised for The Oxford Real Farming Conference 2015 (6th January) and we very much hope as many of you as possible will be able to join us. After hearing from a variety of CSA schemes we would like to open up the discussion and for you to engage in highlighting what types of support are likely to be needed in the future. Fingers crossed we will also be able to present the new logo!