This new group involves many aspects of our CSA or community supported agriculture that we started out with when we took over the Communigrow project back in 2013 but was really going nowhere fast. We must progress with it but not 'in house' as it distracts from our charitable purpose. People do not tend to understand the concept and I've not explained it well. Perhaps the new group may make a better job of it.
The hope it that by establishing something new we may inspire new interest in the broader issues of climate change and how we can all make our community more sustainable.
This naturally encompasses local food and action to be more active for the wellbeing of all and not just the consumer. It is likely to run all our volunteering and activities.
No idea of a name as such but I like 'Bradbourne LOWCarbon Community'. The bradbourne being an old name for the East Malling Stream that flows from East Malling down to the Medway and originally powered six water mills along its route. It flows within 50 yards of our field gate and is quite a feature.
The first aim is to raise some interest, second some support and then we can more onto doing things such as running food and craft events or workshops on sustainability.
It is a good time to do this. Not only do we have the Communigrow project as a flourishing and wonderful resource but we also have several new developments such as the Transition Town network and a new borough wide sustainability network (that's Tonbridge and Malling borough in case you wondered)
The best reason may be HadLOWCARBON Community. a neighbour town endeavouring to be more resilient to climate change and add vibrancy to the green agenda.
Hadlow is a rural village in West Kent in the South-East of England and the parish includes the hamlet of Golden Green, a mile to the south. In 2007 Hadlow was chosen by our local county council (KCC) to become one of four Low Carbon Communities in Kent.
We are a group of local people working together to raise awareness of Climate Change and the necessity for sustainable use of finite resources, working towards community-based solutions.
They run a growers group which may be something like what we could set up for the community within Communigrow and various activities. They are part of the Low Carbon Network....
here is a little about this network
Our Mission
To create a network of sustainable communities that offers mutual support, materials and infrastructure to make them more effective and efficient in collective action and lobbying for a low carbon future.
Our Aims
Work alongside and communities and organisations in the UK and across the world to halt global warming as far as is possible;
Encourage the adoption of low carbon and zero carbon policies, technologies and lifestyles through local action, and to enable groups engaged in this action to be as effective and efficient as possible;
Support greater community awareness of the urgency of action required on climate change, and offer clear pathways to identify high impact, positive and achievable local solutions; and to
Enable those active at a local level to positively influence UK national and local government policy and practice.
Our Approach
We are a membership organisation that exists to support community responses to climate change and to influence government policy in order to bring about effective solutions
We seek to achieve this by creating spaces in which diverse communities can develop effective relationships with decision makers and each other at regional, national and international level.
Our Values
We are member led
We believe in innovation and focus on solutions
We are committed to offering communities an inclusive model for local activism
We recognise the diversity that exists within and between communities and regard this as a strength
We believe in constructive, critical and challenging dialogue involving diverse views and opinions on policy matters
We are an advocate, prepared to speak out for communities
We are ethical in our employment and business practices, we believe in valuing our staff and volunteers and recognise the contribution our members make to our success.
We are open and flexible
Our committee members, staff and volunteers are encouraged to be passionate and creative about our work
We are committed to environmental justice
We believe that communities should determine their visions and make decisions on issues which will shape their future
We believe in encouraging and supporting people to initiate grass roots action in their own communities
We work co-operatively with other groups who share our aims
Founding groups and individuals include Tracey Todhunter (Cheshire and Warrington Low Carbon Communities), Chew Magna Go Zero, Bovey Climate Action, Bollington Carbon Revolution, Mark Lynas (author of “Six Degrees”), Going Carbon Neutral Stirling and George Marshall (Director of Projects for Climate Outreach and Information Network).
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