Sunday, April 26, 2015

part time grower wanted (voluntary)

part time grower wanted with some experience for local charity

Some experience would be handy for our project situation at Park Farm, within East Malling Research, in the heart of Kent. Best suited at least 15 hours per week or to your own requirements to help our charity through our established growing team, education programme and our new ‘Kent Sheds’ project for Wellbeing.

We need one person to help us through the summer months with watering, harvesting and ensuring we are able to run our free growing sessions for schools and groups. This is a permanent position for the right person within our 'Kent Sheds' project and education programme.

over 5 acres and grow only sustainable foods for distribution around Larkfield and Ditton mainly via our barrow-on-the-green every Saturday from 12noon. We are all amateur gardeners volunteering our time and effort to ensure young people have access to good, local, unpolluted food and are able to learn about how it is produced and its uses.

Food should never be taken for granted and if you may feel the same way we’d like to hear from you.

Contact Richenda Malone, email or call on 01732872153 to discuss this more and at least leave your number so we can call you back. 


1. Our mission is to enable the local community to connect with the food they eat by improving their understanding of how food is produced sustainably. We aim to provide facilities for education and experience of food and farming for all ages and abilities.

2. As a result of having gardening assistance we would be able to increase the range, quality and quantity of crops produced along with new habitat for wildlife conservation and study. All may enable us to provide services free of charge to schools and groups.

3. This would impact by strengthening our ability to utilise the 5.7 acre field, to expand our veg box scheme and thereby increase our income from sale of veg helping us to become self sufficient and sustaining.

More about Kent Sheds.

A Shed provides the opportunities for people to participate in practical group activities such as engineering projects, woodworking or gardening. Where they can share and learn new skills, and by working together ‘shoulder to shoulder’ support one another.

A Shed is a network of relationships between the Shedders, coming together to work alongside each other, sharing skills and developing friendships.

Kent Sheds is inviting groups and organisations who would like to establish a ‘Shed’ to affiliate to the Kent Sheds programme. By joining the programme we will help your group develop and establish your Shed idea, ensuring it meets the ethos of Men in Sheds and provides a safe and welcoming facility for men to meet and work.
Kent Sheds supports KCC’s Six Ways to Wellbeing initiative which looks to help maintain and improve the resilience of people of all ages in Kent.

What do we mean by Wellbeing?

Wellbeing is a term that covers many different areas within our lives. In its simplest form it could be defined as simply feeling good and being physically well, we know though, through experience, that wellbeing is not as simple as that.

The latest scientific research indicates that, as well as feeling happy, to experience wellbeing people need:

Their own strength and energy

To link into self directed activities that are meaningful and engaging for them

The inner resilience and ability to be able to handle situations when they arise

What are the Six Ways to Wellbeing?
They can be quick, simple things like saying hello, giving way to another driver or pausing to look out of the window. They can also be longer term projects, such as starting a hobby, recycling regularly or going for a walk every day.

1. Connect With the People Around You. With family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. At home, work, school or in your local community. Think of these as the cornerstones of your life and invest time in developing them. Building these connections with support and enrich you every day.

2. Be Active - Go for a walk or run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance. Exercising makes you feel good. Most importantly, discover a physical activity that you enjoy; one that suits your level of mobility and fitness.

3. Give - Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Look out, as well as in. Seeing yourself, and your happiness, linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and will create connections with the people around you.

4. Keep Learning - Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course. Take on a different responsibility at work. Fix a bike. Learn to play an instrument or how to cook your favourite food. Set a challenge you will enjoy achieving. Learning new things will make you more confident, as well as being fun to do.

5. Take Notice - Be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons. Savour the moment, whether you are on a train, eating lunch or talking to friends. Be aware of the world around you and what you are feeling. Reflecting on your experiences will help you appreciate what matters to you.

6. Care - Look after your community and the world. Make small changes to your life that will reduce your energy use, recycle more, leave the car at home, use low energy light bulbs, small steps to a greener life can make a difference.

For more information on the Six Ways to Wellbeing Campaign visit

Our Kent Sheds project  is part of Communigrow's 'learning, teaching, sharing' vision for a healthier and more balanced society through awareness of food and farming.

for more info go to our web site at
or call us on 07806 708 386
email, also Streetlife ‘communigrow’

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Education fund and our charity Veg Box now available

Welcome to Communigrow,

Our charity provides learning experience for students of all ages and abilities in a varied and stimulating garden of nearly 6 acres.

We currently provide:
  • over 3 acres of cultivated 'market' garden
  • an acre of developing natural habitat
  • a field 'education centre' for schools and groups free of charge
  • a 'Kent Shed' project for wellbeing (click here) 
  • a growing team of voluntary amateur gardeners 
  • organic or better (sustainable)
  • resources on site 
  • plant propagation
  • 'Field Kitchen'
  • workshops and discussion of low carbon living.
  • new conservation study and environment care
  • appropriate technology, 
  • corporate sessions
As a charity you may help us via 

We desperately need your old seeds, pots and trays to plant up for this season. As you can imagine with that much ground to cover we need a lot!

You Donate direct via our Charities Aid Foundation page at: Communigrow donate HERE

Do not forget to complete the Gift Aid as this makes a huge difference.

For our latest newsletter CLICK HERE


Our education centre is taking shape. With over 5 acres of land leased from East Malling Research available for our use as a charity providing educational opportunities free of charge to schools and groups in Kent.

Communigrow is all about food and farming. This season our garden (more a field) shall give over 100 students of all ages and abilities new facilities for growing and experiencing nature. As a charity (registered Charity 1159534) and with our dedicated team of volunteer gardeners our aim to provide a broad scope of experience from growing vegetables and craft produce such as hops and herbs to creating new habitat for wildlife and caring for the planet with low carbon, zero pollutant techniques.

We welcome new partners to expand from our 12 students and 20 local volunteers who currently benefit and may have facilities for up to 60 students or more over 10 sessions per week.

One of our new projects to to match Chelsea Flower Show with our own 'show gardens. These are pocket gardens created by each school or group and are built-up over time to reflect the interests and abilities of the session members and for further information to get details on how we may include your school or group email us at

For further information on our education sessions for your school or group please contact

Registered Charity 1159534 Communigrow
c/o Helen Turner
1 Wesley Close
ME16 9HT

We need funds to create our education centre.

Our target is £24,000 and this will enable us to run sessions to benefit over 100 students of all ages and abilities each month.

Please donate to our education centre. CLICK HERE 

£50 will enable us to include conservation in all our sessions. £100 gives us the ability to include one new 2 hour group session for 6 students. Other amounts will mean we may run up to 10 two hour sessions per week on site and additionally mean we may provide workshops and demonstration sessions within schools and groups in the community.

The single best way to help us with our work is to eat our veg, not only do you support our charity - you get to have it on your plate! Our boxes of seasonal veg are available to order for a local rate of £10. Other areas are by quote and further afield are by our overnight delivery service.

Every order directly provides us with funds to run our school sessions FREE OF CHARGE and expand our range of crops for later in the season. Not only do you support the young people we work with but also our team of volunteers that enable this to happen. Call us to order today or drop into our barrow-the-green, Ditton, every Saturday from 12noon or at the Brassey Centre from 10am.


Our larger boxes of local produce may now be delivered to any UK postal address overnight for £6.60+VAT. Email to place your order.

These would normally include this week, as an example, at least 6 veg items, 1 dozen eggs, 1 honey, 1 jam, 1 chutney. Including overnight postage and packing this totals £22.50.
In summer this would be up to 12 veg items,  2 craft items, 1 dozen eggs, 1 honey, 1 jam, 1 chutney. Including overnight postage and packing this totals £29.50.

learning, teaching and sharing
up to 5 acres available for cultivation as an educational charity, providing learning and land based experience
We provide field based sessions on growing and conservation for schools and groups free of charge.
Such a wide range of crops all grown by our small but dedicated group of amateur local gardeners may be of help for young and old to learn about growing. We are a 'Kent Shed' promoting wellbeing through involvement in all our charity work. The system of 'Skillshare' where members offer their own knowledge and skill as volunteers, pooling our combined experience to help other who may have few ways to learn about how the natural world works.
All that helps towards reducing the impact we have on the planet. Understanding Climate change and a healthy, active, lifestyle are very important to the future and may need to be explored in new ways. We aim to grow more but also learn more through sustainable, organic or better methods using natural systems.
Let me know as it would all contribute to our educational work on field and in the community. We are a charity based on providing field sessions (growing and outdoor classroom) for schools and groups Free of charge on our 5 acre field and later in the community. Our veg is purely seasonal and boxes are available for our suggested donation. We shall also have proper eggs from scratch roaming hens, bees and more.
Get in touch if you may be interested
Growing veg for the people of Ditton, Larkfield and the Mallings.
Also lots of other interests such as ethnic crops, cut flowers, hops and curious crops such as linseed and soya beans and many more.
All grown using organic or better, Permacultural, natural methods & techniques with expanding habitats for conservation and environmental study.
Ask for more details, call:
07806 708 386
read our news at
like us at

Our garden provides seasonal veg, herbs & spices, unusual ‘ethnic’ crops and craft plants including cut flowers, hops and aromatic oils. All good, healthy produce for people who may otherwise not consider this currently. We encourage a healthier diet of fresh food targeting lower income families, unskilled people and older generations and our aim is to get as many people as possible to contribute in some way in the growing which should bring health benefits of an active lifestyle.
To this goal we continue the work on the ground to create a productive yet bio-diverse landscape.
Formed a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation, essential to take on all operations to create more awareness of our project and encourage membership, enabling us to employ local people on our growing team. Once we have this with active members and our team have the produce we shall consider the role we may contribute to more specialist educational and training work on and off the plot in the community.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Saturday 18th April - our Local Food and Crafts Fair in support of Communigrow's educational work and local producers

To order a box please email

Again this Saturday we'll be at the Church centre along with 4 or five other local producers. Honey, Jams, jewellery and juice and our few seasonal veg we grow at Bradbourne. We're free entry and free stalls to help all local producers, artists and anyone providing something for the community.

St Peter's Church Centre

Includes the Vine and their wonderful selection of Fairtrade products

Communigrow is starting a new education resource free of charge for schools and groups of all ages and abilities at our field at East Malling Research. This year we have over 5 acres for our seasonal veg, herbs and crafts along with dedicated areas for conservation and learning through our new local charity. Get in touch if your school or group may like to come along for a special event or weekly session for study or practical, food, farming and wildlife.

We desperately need your old seeds, pots and trays to plant up for this season. As you can imagine with that much ground to cover we need a lot!

You Donate direct via our Charities Aid Foundation page at:

Thanks in advance

Please note. Following our trial for the local food and craft we shall be moving back to the green with our barrow from 12noon until 2pm each Saturday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

proposing a new Low Carbon group

following on from the new look CSA post I've decided to be bold and likely foolish given the problems we face in proposing a new Low Carbon group to tackle some of the work Communigrow may no longer do as we wish to concentrate on our school and group sessions to their best progress. It is a development from our charity registration and our now established sessions on the field with 6th form students desperately needing more opportunities to learn and study food, farming and the natural environment.

This new group involves many aspects of our CSA or community supported agriculture that we started out with when we took over the Communigrow project back in 2013 but was really going nowhere fast. We must progress with it but not 'in house' as it distracts from our charitable purpose. People do not tend to understand the concept and I've not explained it well. Perhaps the new group may make a better job of it.

The hope it that by establishing something new we may inspire new interest in the broader issues of climate change and how we can all make our community more sustainable.

This naturally encompasses local food and action to be more active for the wellbeing of all and not just the consumer. It is likely to run all our volunteering and activities.

No idea of a name as such but I like 'Bradbourne LOWCarbon Community'. The bradbourne being an old name for the East Malling Stream that flows from East Malling down to the Medway and originally powered six water mills along its route. It flows within 50 yards of our field gate and is quite a feature.

The first aim is to raise some interest, second some support and then we can more onto doing things such as running food and craft events or workshops on sustainability.

It is a good time to do this. Not only do we have the Communigrow project as a flourishing and wonderful resource but we also have several new developments such as the Transition Town network and a new borough wide sustainability network (that's Tonbridge and Malling borough in case you wondered)

The best reason may be HadLOWCARBON Community. a neighbour town endeavouring to be more resilient to climate change and add vibrancy to the green agenda.

Hadlow is a rural village in West Kent in the South-East of England and the parish includes the hamlet of Golden Green, a mile to the south.  In 2007 Hadlow was chosen by our local county council (KCC) to become one of four Low Carbon Communities in Kent.
We are a group of local people working together to raise awareness of Climate Change and the necessity for sustainable use of finite resources, working towards community-based solutions.

They run a growers group which may be something like what we could set up for the community within Communigrow and various activities. They are part of the Low Carbon Network....

here is a little about this network

Our Mission
To create a network of sustainable communities that offers mutual support, materials and infrastructure to make them more effective and efficient in collective action and lobbying for a low carbon future.
Our Aims
Work alongside and communities and organisations in the UK and across the world to halt global warming as far as is possible;
Encourage the adoption of low carbon and zero carbon policies, technologies and lifestyles through local action, and to enable groups engaged in this action to be as effective and efficient as possible;
Support greater community awareness of the urgency of action required on climate change, and offer clear pathways to identify high impact, positive and achievable local solutions; and to
Enable those active at a local level to positively influence UK national and local government policy and practice.
Our Approach
We are a membership  organisation that exists to support community responses to climate change and to influence government policy in order to bring about effective solutions
We seek to achieve this by creating spaces in which diverse communities can develop effective relationships with decision makers and each other at regional, national and international level.
Our Values
We are member led
We believe in innovation and focus on solutions
We are committed to offering communities an inclusive model for local activism
We recognise the diversity that exists within and between communities and regard this as a strength
We believe in constructive, critical and challenging dialogue involving diverse views and opinions on policy matters
We are an advocate, prepared to speak out for communities
We are ethical in our employment and business practices, we believe in valuing our staff and volunteers and recognise the contribution our members make to our success.
We are open and flexible
Our committee members, staff and volunteers are encouraged to be passionate and creative about our work
We are committed to environmental justice
We believe that communities should determine their visions and make decisions on issues which will shape their future
We believe in encouraging and supporting people to initiate grass roots action in their own communities
We work co-operatively with other groups who share our aims
Founding groups and individuals include Tracey Todhunter (Cheshire and Warrington Low Carbon Communities),  Chew Magna Go Zero, Bovey Climate Action, Bollington Carbon Revolution, Mark Lynas (author of “Six Degrees”), Going Carbon Neutral Stirling and George Marshall (Director of Projects for Climate Outreach and Information Network).

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Community Co-ordinator for our 'Kent Sheds' project

Hi, we need someone for a few hours to organise our community work as a 'Kent Sheds' project for Larkfield, Ditton, Aylesford and the Mallings.

The role is for a couple for a couple of hours a week and a couple of hours one evening every fortnight to come along to our steering group meeting. At the moment this role is voluntary.

It is direct and enhance our community message via local services, parish councils, allotment groups, surgeries, leisure centres, etc etc as a Kent Sheds project for....

1. Our mission is to enable the local community to connect with the food they eat by improving their understanding of how food is produced sustainably. We aim to provide facilities for education and experience of food and farming for all ages and abilities.

2. As a result of having gardening assistance we would be able to increase the range, quality and quantity of crops produced along with new habitat for wildlife conservation and study. All may enable us to provide services free of charge to schools and groups.

3. This would impact by strengthening our ability to utilise the 5.7 acre field, to expand our veg box scheme and thereby increase our income from sale of veg helping us to become self sufficient and sustaining.

More about Kent Sheds.

A Shed provides the opportunities for people to participate in practical group activities such as engineering projects, woodworking or gardening. Where they can share and learn new skills, and by working together ‘shoulder to shoulder’ support one another.

A Shed is a network of relationships between the Shedders, coming together to work alongside each other, sharing skills and developing friendships.

Kent Sheds is inviting groups and organisations who would like to establish a ‘Shed’ to affiliate to the Kent Sheds programme. By joining the programme we will help your group develop and establish your Shed idea, ensuring it meets the ethos of Men in Sheds and provides a safe and welcoming facility for men to meet and work.
Kent Sheds supports KCC’s Six Ways to Wellbeing initiative which looks to help maintain and improve the resilience of people of all ages in Kent.

What do we mean by Wellbeing?

Wellbeing is a term that covers many different areas within our lives. In its simplest form it could be defined as simply feeling good and being physically well, we know though, through experience, that wellbeing is not as simple as that.

The latest scientific research indicates that, as well as feeling happy, to experience wellbeing people need:

Their own strength and energy

To link into self directed activities that are meaningful and engaging for them

The inner resilience and ability to be able to handle situations when they arise

What are the Six Ways to Wellbeing?
They can be quick, simple things like saying hello, giving way to another driver or pausing to look out of the window. They can also be longer term projects, such as starting a hobby, recycling regularly or going for a walk every day.

1. Connect With the People Around You. With family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. At home, work, school or in your local community. Think of these as the cornerstones of your life and invest time in developing them. Building these connections with support and enrich you every day.

2. Be Active - Go for a walk or run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance. Exercising makes you feel good. Most importantly, discover a physical activity that you enjoy; one that suits your level of mobility and fitness.

3. Give - Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Look out, as well as in. Seeing yourself, and your happiness, linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and will create connections with the people around you.

4. Keep Learning - Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course. Take on a different responsibility at work. Fix a bike. Learn to play an instrument or how to cook your favourite food. Set a challenge you will enjoy achieving. Learning new things will make you more confident, as well as being fun to do.

5. Take Notice - Be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons. Savour the moment, whether you are on a train, eating lunch or talking to friends. Be aware of the world around you and what you are feeling. Reflecting on your experiences will help you appreciate what matters to you.

6. Care - Look after your community and the world. Make small changes to your life that will reduce your energy use, recycle more, leave the car at home, use low energy light bulbs, small steps to a greener life can make a difference.

For more information on the Six Ways to Wellbeing Campaign visit

Our Kent Sheds project  is part of Communigrow's 'learning, teaching, sharing' vision for a healthier and more balanced society through awareness of food and farming.

for more info go to our web site at
or call us on 07806 708 386
email, also Streetlife ‘communigrow’

Thursday, April 2, 2015

our work with the sixth form students of Five Acre Wood School

Several people have asked about our current work with schools and we are pleased to say that after a few months of working out the best direction on this we've successfully started with the fab bunch of sixth form students at Five Acre Wood.

Trying to anticipate the potential we may offer for growing experience is easy. There are many really, truly, great examples of growing projects providing valuable and much needed opportunities to explore land based skills and we've set a lot down as case studies to inspire our work. We've visited many and seen the incredible influence they have on young people. None may be more valuable than when providing our new space and offer of use, free of charge, for multiple learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorder and severe and complex learning difficulties, such as Five Acre Wood School cater for.

Our sixth form group numbers 12 split into two groups of six. Originally intended to alternate each week we may soon provide both field and outdoor classroom facilities so all twelve come each week. This will boost the potential for further study work beyond the work experience. This includes spring planting of Rhubarb, artichoke (both Jerusalem and globe), onions, daffs, cauliflowers and mint. We've deliberately placed a focus on potatoes as it gives a great introduction into the scale of growing we do and helps the students gain an idea of the tasks involved while enjoying a fine spring day from the middle of a ploughed field.

Our facilities are pretty minimal right now. However with the support of our landlord, East Malling Trust (who run East Malling Research) we've secured the lease on our entire field and so have set about a plan for integrating our education purpose across the two acres cultivated last year to now include 2 more acres for growing along with over an acre and a half for conservation and study.

Part of our hopes for this may be that we can reach more local people to support our Community Supported Agriculture. It has been a struggle to find the commitment that is required to work on a community basis as much of the local needs and loyalty of consumers has been dismantled by the growth of supermarkets who may provide far more than we may ever hope. This growth directly corresponds to the decline of independent local suppliers and stores. Hopefully our profile of education and as a charity too may address some of the misunderstandings and return us some of the dedication supermarkets enjoy. The wonderful part of this is that when people do buy our veg they not only get a great deal with organic or better produce, that is more natural methods but is is fresh and helps our work for schools and groups like Five Acre Wood.

We would also like to thank Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council who have provided us with funds for our first purpose designed education 'Solar' Tunnel.

More to follow or go to

Sixth Form
Five Acre Wood’s Sixth Form provision is based at Aylesford School Sports College site. The sixth form caters for students with severe and complex learning difficulties. Students with profound and multiple learning difficulties remain on the main Five Acre Wood site.

Students are no longer subject to the expectations of the National Curriculum but they continue to focus on a broad range of subjects including the core subjects of numeracy, literacy, ICT, Personal and Social Development; key skills areas and vocational pathways. This is to ensure that our students leave school at 19 years of age being as independent as possible in order to move on to the next stage of their life. Activities in the sixth form therefore reflect the age and changing needs of our students. This means that the curriculum is based on the teaching of functional skills with the aim of students being able to generalise and apply these in as many everyday contexts and in as many practical ways within the community as possible.

The experience of being on a mainstream school site enables Five Acre Wood students to participate in a wider school community. The provision also enables Five Acre Wood students to access a wider range of resources, access some lessons / specialist teaching, build friendships and take part in a range of activities alongside their mainstream peers. This experience has a very positive impact on the confidence and independence of our young people.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

BigBarn's mission is to get people out the supermarket and shopping locally

BigBarn's mission is to get people out the supermarket and shopping locally. We want to divert as much as possible of the £120billion spent with supermarkets, every year, to local communities with massive social benefits for all.

go to our page at Big Barn

We do this by reconnecting consumers with their local producers/retailers of local food & drink and encourage trade and communication using our map, MarketPlace, partners, PR initiatives, social networking and SEO .

If you are a local producer, or supplier, and want to be the centre of the local food industry in your area we provide the services and promotion you need. To find out more read on. Or, if you already know about BigBarn or your local partner website simply complete the form on the right.