Wednesday, April 30, 2014

An invite to anyone within a few miles of East Malling

Communigrow - East Malling CSA Kent

“Our goal is not to grow food for the whole world. It’s to grow really good food for 179 families.”

(The Lexicon of sustainability)


An invite to anyone within a few miles of East Malling to come along and be involved in our new CSA on 5 acres at East Malling Research.
Growing veg for the people of Ditton, Larkfield and the Mallings.
Also lots of other interests such as ethnic crops, cut flowers, hops and curious crops such as linseed and soya beans and many more.
All grown using sustainable techniques and expanding habitats which include Organics, Biodynamics, Permaculture, Natural (localised) Agriculture and more.

Ask Laurence for more details, call:
07806 708 386
read our news at
like us at
Visit our web page for case studies and more background on CSA

Membership and Communigrow ‘Skill Share’

As ‘Share’ members or supporters from £1 per month. Share members get a box of seasonal produce each week on subscription. Supporters may buy the veg they want at prices starting from £8 a ‘box’.

Share members will want to be involved so we ask for a minimum of 1 hour per month working on sowing, harvest, preparation or packing alongside our specialist team of growers and apprentices. ‘Skills share’ events for everyone on and off the plot through events and workshops in the community

What is a ‘Community Supported Agriculture’?

CSA’s are successful in many parts of the UK and in the USA and the concept of direct community involvement in local farms is nothing new, being championed in the UK by the Soil Association and The Plunkett Foundation. A ‘CSA’ brings local people directly into farming and growing as a key part of the production to consumer process rather than purely as a consumer trade making it a rewarding and educational experience coupled with savings for all involved.

All our produce is grown using organic methods and we use a variety of techniques from Bio-dynamics to ‘Natural Agriculture’. Our garden provides seasonal veg, herbs & spices, unusual ‘ethnic’ crops and craft plants including cut flowers, hops and aromatic oils. All good, healthy produce for people who may otherwise not consider this currently. We encourage a healthier diet of fresh food targeting lower income families, unskilled people and older generations and our aim is to get as many people as possible to contribute in some way in the growing which should bring health benefits of an active lifestyle.

To this goal we continue the work on the ground to create a productive yet bio-diverse landscape.

Forming a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation is essential to take on all operations to create more awareness of our project and encourage membership, enabling us to employ local people on our growing team. Once we have this with active members and our team have the produce we shall consider the role we may contribute to more specialist educational and training work on and off the plot in the community.

A background to our project

2 years ago student nurse Louise and ‘Joining Hands’ approached East Malling Research with the idea of growing some food, a place for locals to join together to have a community allotment. They said yes and so Communigrow was born with a huge expanse of a hectare that was probably too ambitious for allotments alone, so one corner, about half an acre was mapped, cultivated and a polytunnel and store put up.

So since then 70 or more people have helped and with considerable fun, pain and produce.

We now want to develop and feed more local people creating local employment and helping the planet with our team of dedicated growers and helpers.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

needed for our new charity to progress in Ditton

Request for some help with our registration, one or two local people who may have an interest in forming a charity to run all our Ditton projects.

You can contact me for more details on 07954389676 or email at

It'll be good to meet and show anyone around the site to discuss the potential and the difference a few hours a month in organising this may make towards sustainability in Ditton and Larkfield.

Friday, April 11, 2014

latest flyer and our local campaign - fab response

In 2011 student nurse Louise started growing with local schools and groups on land at East Malling Trust. Now a market garden with over 5 acres to cultivate later this year.
Communigrow is a Joining Hands project for Kent with aims to be a local charitable social enterprise in 2014.
We grow fresh, tasty, seasonal food and craft produce in Ditton for families who live within easy walking distance using only organic and other methods and aim to enhance the sustainability of the area in many ways both on and off the plot.
This year we’ll be growing more than ever and want to share the harvest with over 200 local families over time as one part of our ‘Community Supported Agriculture’.
As a charitable organisation we can employ our team of growers and expand. Introducing an apprenticeship scheme for on-site training within our crew of workers who will aim to help local people with recipes, cookery demonstrations and workshops to inspire more use of the range of local produce from the plot and to eat more fresh foods, our ‘Good Veg Club’.
Our team share skills with the membership through routine tasks such as sowing and harvest.
Further farms and market gardens are being researched for community support - a 5 acre orchard and an urban farm.

Follow us at:
Contact Communigrow on Call 07806 708 386
For more info on community supported agriculture go to
The Communigrow plot is at Park House, Bradbourne Lane, ME20 6PE
(access and visitors strictly by arrangement and invitation only)