United we stand divided we fall: The launch of Community Supported Agriculture UK Network
Tony Little December 2013
I witnessed the coming of age of UK Community Supported Agriculture earlier this month with the launch of its national network. It is a milestone in the movement’s development, and I am inordinately proud to be part of it.
CSA is based on a simple but powerful idea; that communities should play an active part in producing their own food (and indeed fuel and fibre), and in doing so share both the risks and the rewards. In short it’s a partnership between farmers and their local communities. The benefits are obvious. Communities get fresh, local food, produced sustainably and at fair prices, but it’s much more than that. It’s also about meeting new people, learning new skills, getting fresh air and exercise and having fun. Producers get all that too, but they also enjoy more secure incomes, fairer prices and the confidence to try out new ideas on the farm.
The network will bring all UK projects together, uniting them behind a common understanding of the guiding principles of CSA and connecting the entire movement. At its heart is the desire to help projects support one another whether that’s by sharing resources, exchanging experiences or providing a bit of moral support every now and then. It also has a big role in promoting CSA to the general public and representing the movement at UK government level. In a nutshell, it aims to create the conditions that allow projects to flourish at an individual and regional level. It will shortly be incorporated as a multi stakeholder cooperative, reflecting the movement’s desire for an organisation owned and democratically run by the projects themselves. That also means it can raise its own funds through its membership and it is planning a crowd funding initiative for January (more about that shortly).
It has been the work of many individuals and organisations, forged by a sense of a common purpose and a goodwill I have rarely witnessed in a lifetime of working in partnership, but at the helm of it all is Rachel Harries at the Soil Association. Without her hard work, persistence and dedication we would never have got this far. So Rachel, on behalf of us all Thank You.
There is now a strong network in place with burgeoning interest from producers and communities. Coupled with a growing realisation from some quarters of local and national government that CSA could be part of the solution to some of their most vexing problems, the only way is up!
CSA Conference and National Network Launch Report
Supported Agriculture (CSA) conference and national network launch –
The Subscription Rooms, Stroud, Gloucestershire – December 2nd and 3rd 2013
was one of just over 100 people who attended this event, brilliantly
organised and generously supported by the Soil Association, in the
centre of Stroud. I was also kindly allowed to set out a table and give
away information... and badges.
prices had been kept to an absolute minimum, enabling and attracting
many people who are often excluded from similar things. Accommodation
was offered at half price discount by nearby Hawkwood college, a number
of people in Stroud, regardless of whether they had an immediate
interest in the conference, had also given space in there homes to those
attending, free of charge. All this enabled diversity, which, as we all
know makes things far better for everyone and everything.
Phil Haughton, of the Better Food Company gave introductions of the
event and network, which was is at the time, immanently going to be
incorporated as a co-operative. The last such event was held two years
ago. CSA's have existed since the 1960's but weren't introduced into the
UK until the 1990's. There are 80 running at the moment with a recent
flush of 150 in the forming process. Indeed their scope for openness,
reconnection and the versatility in which they can be set up makes them a
very promising model for huge increases in the future, and that is
certainly the aim and hope of the network.
the calm introductions, Colin Tudge (science writer, author and
founding member of the fund for enlightened agriculture) was invited to
stir the crowd a little, he wasn't shy to mix in and voice his political
views and although I can't find flaw in his observations of the
workings of the business oligarchy over and above government, I do wish
he wouldn't do them the advertising service of repetitively naming some
of this favourites and damning them for being incorporated... just as
the CSA network are proudly about to do albeit in a different model.
also spoke repeatedly and with gusto about the sheer scale of the
'agrarian renaissance' (A term which I very much approve of and first
came across three years ago connected to a Church Farm, Ardeley,
Hertfordshire) needed... I can't help but think WWOOF is diligently
doing this and that we are the embodiment of the pioneering, leading,
getting on and doing it attitude which as Colin identified, is a
cornerstone of renaissance. Colin is clearly good at making impressions
and inspiring debate and I look forward to catching up with him at the
Oxford Real Farming conference early next year.
more speakers followed and even though I find the first giving me the
most to say here, for me he wasn't the highlight. That came from four
speakers from three different, and differing, CSA projects from around
the country. I think similar inspiring stories may have been able to
come from most of the people in the room, but to see people who are
getting their hands dirty day in, day out given the time and space to
speak from the podium hit the nail right on the head for me, you just
can't fake the feeling and spark they carry.
lunch we heard from the CSA co-ordinating project in New York city via
internet videophone. We then broke up into workshop groups. I joined in
with 'Volunteers - how to catch, keep and inspire them'. Helen
Holmes and Axel Minet, two young people from Cambridge Cropshare ran
this and although I took on writing up suggestions on a board for
everyone to see I found myself only able to really watch and learn from
two such energetic and motivated people rather than contribute much from
a WWOOF perspective.
Breaking the
room up into regional groups followed and as I am in the process of
moving to Devon I sat in on the South West region, again I didn't find
myself engaging hugely at the time but joined the mailing list and so
hope to do so more in the future.
closing the event we headed down to Stroud brewery were we were given a
tour and a potted history, later the new film 'local food roots' was
shown and sour-dough pizzas were cooked to order from their wood-fired
pizza oven.
As well as our
accommodation Hawkwood college also host the local CSA, Stroud Community
Agriculture Ltd. A community-led enterprise using biodynamic methods.
Members pay an annual subscription and a further payment in order to
receive vegetables, pork and beef. We spent well over an hour being led
around and asking questions and finding out about this very successful
scheme which has over 200 members. Lunch was had at Hawkwood and that
was the end of a very thought provoking and useful few days.
For more information please click on any of these links -
Phil Haughton, Better Food Company
Colin Tudge, Science writer and author
Jade Bashford, Community Land Advisory Service
Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm, Flintshare CSA, Cambridge Cropshare, Stroud Brewery, Stroud Community Agriculture,